Friday, June 7, 2013

Marcos Dever's supporters claim credit for city streets repair through Chapter 90

                              State Representative Marcos Devers posing as street get repaired to get political credit

LAWRENCE.- Marcos Devers has said to  his supporter that the money used for repair street was brought to city because of his effort as state representative.

Until now, nobody know what  Marcos Devers has done to bring this money to the city. His supporters are claiming  the city of Lawrence must recognize his leader for the job done to bring this money to fix city street.

Dever, who was supported by Eagle Tribune and some  opposition groups that confront Lantigua, even he has been always has heir "heredado"   William Lantigua's position and job.

Marcos Davers  is  "the cool guy" that greet every, but when here problem come he never is there to solve or fight for his people o community. Marcos has never contributed to change the political power in the city or how it has  has been administrated. He never has used his position as a city council, acting mayor, state representative to bring changes on bad image that " Anglo community" has against Latino.

People referred him as a politician that only is visible on  time of campaigning. When he get the position he make himself  not available all the time until his term finish.

Residents ignored or forget that the Obama's administration release millions of dollars to move the economic in deep crisis. Those funds were used to repair bridges, street and more.

Does Marcos Devers, who is candidate for mayor position, deserve credit for the job done for the city streets repair?

 Do anyone know any proposal submitted by the state Representative Marcos Devers for bringing money to the city?

Devers supporters are playing dirty politics believing this way they can defeat Lantigua.

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