Friday, June 21, 2013


Eagle Tribune building in North Andover courtesy of Valley Patriot
Eagle Tribune has been behind a fierce and bitter campaign of propaganda to overthrew the Latino first government in the immigrant city, Lawrence along with Chief Police John Romero, after the Latino's administration cut advertisements expenses with them. This media has been use as gun machine to destroy all Latino community and its leadership.

Balancing the budget was one the biggest success of Lantigua’s administrations and also hiring more Latino in the administration. For decade Latinos were excluded for being part of the administration. Previous administration discriminate Latinos from getting employment in the city governments.

This newspaper has orchestrated vast campaign to discredit Lawrence City and its official authorities pretending confuse, misinform people around Merrimack Valley distorting, twisting issues and evidences. Chief Romero has kept alive the dying newspaper as its best sources of news and gossips.

Valley Patriot has criticized Romero alliance with Eagle-Tribune for discriminating others media, specially Latinos, by blocking them to get first hand news that happen in the city of Lawrence.

Eagle-Tribune has accused the city administration of William Lantigua of being involve in corruption, also “trafficking weapons and narcotics” and so more.

In June 2011 they started a supposed investigation against Lantigua for the following charges:

The grand jury is just one arm of a multi-jurisdictional investigation looking at allegations of narcotics, weapons, bid rigging, suspicious out-of-country travel and more, sources confirmed previously. Part of the investigation focuses on city-owned and other vehicles, including a trash truck, being shipped to Lantigua's native Dominican Republic, sources confirmed.” reported Eagle-tribune.

Auditors said they found no fraud or mismanagement in the $235 million city and school budget over the last fiscal year, but warned of the potential for both problems to occur. said Tribune in a news regarding a audit done to see if there was mismanagement or corruptions in Lantigua Administration” on May 12, 2012 but the title of the new was the following: “Audit: Poor handling of money may hurt Lawrence.” The audit was done by Dick Sullivan, a partner in Powers & Sullivan of Wakefield .They simply do not care about the positive things about Lawrence.

A second parking attendant, Felix Matos, is accused in a state police affidavit of receiving stolen parking receipts from Garcia. He has not been charged and denies wrongdoing.
What the “stolen parking receipts” mean. What going on in here.

Days later they said it was not stolen receipts it was money that Matos received from Justo Garcia.

Eagle Tribune also has been pressure authorities and city councilors to fire employees, even knowing those employees has been not charges of anything wrong, because they are believed being Lantigua supporters.
Also asked Matos if he is Lantigua supporter. Like he has not right to be participate or be affiliated to any candidates, abusing his liberty of political association pray in the constitution.
This diabolic newspapers with intention to destroy Lantigua they are engaged to discredit all one they supposed is Lantigua's allied.

Eagle tribune, Boston Globe, Valley Patriot has used purposely their media to target Lawrence City and its people. It Contents is full of hatred against Latinos and the first Latino Administration run by William Lantigua. They as imaged Lawrence “City of Shame”.

The city of Lawrence have became in their first source of news for Eagle Tribune. All city around Methuen, Andover, North Andover, Haverhill, Lowell has more problem than Lawrence with more rate of crime and corruptions, but they ignored those problem, because those community are not populated by Latino.

Those media are afraid of Latino power ruling the city.
Al Getler former editor of Eagle Tribune
Valley Patriot, a newspaper of bogus political propaganda without ethical principles referring to day of Lantigua's swearing as Mayor say that Lantigua will hold to much power, 'too much power' for just one man. it suggested that Lantigua must be controlled by the state and then, start a campaign to get state overseer on the Latino's administrations.

“Starting first thing this morning, Lantigua promised to dig into the city's problems, looking into everything from a $17.5 million budget deficit to record home foreclosures and unemployment rates, School Department issues, crime, and streets and sidewalks that are "literally a mess." reported Eagle Tribune at Lantigua inauguration ceremony.

The racist media of Eagle Tribune targeted Lantigua for bring changes and stabilize the city budget and hiring Latinos more into his administration. Latino have been a minority in the administration. This Media for political purpose try to undermine Latinos, it opposed the city employ more Latinos.

Former mayor Michael Sullivan giveaway city properties to his political allies, but Tribune never accused him of corruption. TheTowerhill Association founder James Ross and community activist Isabel Melendez. Sullivan received, respectively, all Community Access Channel and a School building in South Lawrence and many others properties.

A group of local Anglo media, run by Irish and Italian, has been plotting against Latinos for decade. Eagle Tribune has published all kind of defamation, hatred in its pages year by years. it Never rest, even the economical crisis that is been affecting this written media.

Recently it fired his editor, Al Getler, who sponsored this type of deceptive practice against Latino community to get rating and keep this dying media alive.

In 2011-12 Eagle Tribune started a conspiracy to oust Mayor Lantigua from the office using a Recall, the two attempts were a failure. The Tribune praised and promoted as heroes all the delinquents behind those plan. Anthonio Arevalo, who later was found provoking and faking a beaten and charged of vandalizing Mayor Lantigua car for more that 5 thousand dollars, putting rocks, lottery tickets and other stuffs in the tank of the mayor car.

The second guy, Josue Hernandez was discovered to be in his young age, a gangs member with long history of crime and hijacking. Among them, was, also, the Puerto Rican reverend with doubted reputation Edwin Rodriguez, full hatred against Dominican and responsible of robo-signing, falsifying voters signature to recall the mayor.

Moreover, we found the troubled Grisel Silva who was reported for rushing to hospital for suspected drug overdose” and arrested for assaulting her husband and girlfriend.

All defeated Addoo's supporters in the race for mayor were used in this conspiracy along with politicians from others nearby towns with “interest” in Lawrence. They have been afraid Latinos discover decades of fraud by previous administrations and how politician from out town are stealing Lawrence money.

Investigating Lantigua administration's problem we, also, has found that main head orchestrating all this is Lawrence Chief Police John Romero who is working behind scene. Romero has used the police force to oust Lantigua. He has been playing key rol in all accusations of this "supposed" federal investigation.

Romero blind his eyes allowing purposely the crime increase in the city to use his empire to plot against the administration, as soon Sargent Melix Bonilla was promoted as Chief Deputy of Lawrence Police.

Two city departments were used to orchestrated this campaign to overthrow Lantigua administration the Lawrence School Department and Lawrence Police. They conspired and destroyed Mr. Laboy to put Fergunson as school principal. As the state takeover the troubled Lawrence School Department ,which lost its accreditation under Fergunson interin term, all bad propaganda ended and Eagle tribune silenced.

Being a Lantigua supporter according Eagle-Tribune is a sin. Latino people do not have constitution right to believe or freedom of political association.

Lawrence police lead by Romero , State Police and FBI have being targeting all person they believe is Lantigua's supporters. They are trying to stop another Lantigua reelection. That’s the main purpose of all this allegations and false accusations.

Due the city budget cuts the city layoff some police officers. Romero in protest let the criminality surge in the city to force Mayor to re-hire back officers.

Lawrence Chief of Police and the Eagle-Tribune are responsible of all crime and death that happen in the city by propagating that Lawrence had not police to patrol the city.

Almost all crime that happened in that period of time of confrontation between Romero and Mayor come from outsider delinquents, who came here, because there was not order in the city. That was the message sent out by Romero and the Tribune.

Chief Romero who a witch hunter soon or later will pay for his marrullas, crime and abuse. Lawrence Police Department has been a protected Castle in which many thing happens. Romero and Tribune must be accused and charged for those crime. Also, compensate all victims of delinquency from 2010 -2012.

Rumors said Romero is planning to resign and fee before the bomb explored in his hands.

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