Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gabriel Gomez candidate for the senate seat was in Lawrence

Gabriel Gomez, US Senate candidate and Carmen Chalas of Open Mic
Lawrence.- Gabriel Gomez was in Lawrence getting in contact with Latinos people at Hispanic Week shaking hands, greeting people and making friendship. Gabriel Gomez is a important key player in this special election to fill the Senate seat left vacant by John Kerry.
Democratic leaders are very worry Gabriel look to strong that can beat easily E. Markey
This week President Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and other important has came to Massachusetts to boost E. Markey campaing.
Pointing out contrasts between Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Edward Markey and his opponent, Republican Gabriel Gomez, former President Bill Clinton called on Markey supporters Saturday to vote in the coming special election — and to avoid a repeat of the surprise election result that sent Republican Scott Brown to the Senate in 2010.
Clinton spoke at a rally at Worcester Polytechnic Institute was joined by Markey and other Massachusetts Democrats, including U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

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