Thursday, May 30, 2013

Lantigua " I love you all" after leaving Grand Jury Hearing

  Salem, Mass. - "I love you all" was the only comment of Mayor William Lantigua on leaving Salem Superior Court after he was called to testify before a jury which has been investigating his administration for alleged corruption.

It is unclear, Lantigua  was subpoenaed to appear before a grand jury to answer questions about money allegedly missing from a city owned parking garage managed by one of his close political allies.

“Due to the secrecy requirements of the grand jury proceedings is very little we can say today" said Jeffrey Denner who represent Lantigua.

According Latigua Lawyer, the mayor has answered and will answer every question put to him by investigators while he continues to conscientiously carry out his duties as mayor

 Mayor Lantigua who has done good job as a Mayor has been victim of ferocious  attack by his adversaries who want him out the office through this legal process with suspicious allegations , accusations of corruption.

Nobody is sure if  there is enough proofs to indict  him for any of the crime he has been accused by his enemies.

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