Tuesday, December 3, 2013

War of words between Lawrence, MA’s Dominicans and Puerto Ricans

by José Alfonso García
Published August 15, 2011 
Rumbo News 

LAWRENCE, MA — The humiliating and discriminatory remarks by Rev. Edwin Rodriguez and his followers against Dominicans are not an attack from the Puerto Rican Community.
In his radio show on Saturday, July 23rd. Rev. Edwin Rodriguez blasted again with derogatory accusations against Dominicans residing in Lawrence, MA. He charged us with being a gang of illiterate Dominicans, communists and political leftists from Third World Countries coming to Lawrence to assault the city government, taking it hostage from the Anglo Community by force.

Using slur and derogatory terms, Rev. Rodriguez referred to Dominicans as crooks, gangsters, ruffians and dangerous criminals that should not deserve to be governing the City of Lawrence or any other city in the United States.

He reminded us that Dominicans have to step first on Puerto Rican soil after a long journey through the Caribbean Sea in rickety little boats, among many other insulting statements.

As a Dominican myself, and proud of it, I do not feel offended, humiliated or humbled by these insults. Nor are offended, the millions of honest and hardworking Dominican immigrants across the world that have always earned the bread for their families by the sweat of their forehead.

The Dominican community has come to live in the United States in search of a brighter future for our families. We’re not offended because Rev. Rodriguez is not a political leader or a community activist who has fiercely defended the genuine interests of the residents of this community.

We do not feel humiliated, harassed or discriminated against, because Rev. Rodriguez and his small group of followers do not represent the Puerto Ricans and their great community in Lawrence. In addition, Rev. Rodriguez personally, has no arguments or moral integrity to offend the Dominican community.
Rev. Rodriguez and his group are trying to make us believe that these offensive and discriminatory attacks against the Dominican community in Lawrence are coming from the Puerto Rican community. Nothing can be further from the truth and ridiculous.

Rev. Rodriguez for his belligerence, his insults, his hatred and disdain against Dominicans, has not proven to be a leader with honesty, moral integrity and dedication to serve the people of Lawrence, qualities that characterize our Puerto Rican leaders.

Recall member  in conspiracy to overthrow Mayor Lantigua
Rev. Rodriguez is not authorized to speak on behalf of this great community. Rev. Rodriguez and his group do not represent the Puerto Rican community of Lawrence and he should clarify it publicly, if he were an honest man.

Dominicans would only feel offended if these insults would have come for example, from Isabel Melendez, a real Puerto Rican leader who has given the best years of her life to serving this community regardless of race and origin of its inhabitants.
Dominicans would be highly offended if these humiliating and discriminatory remarks would have come from the lips of Mrs. Nilka Alvarez Rodriguez, Jose Santiago or Angel Rivera, Puerto Rican leaders who have shaped the path of local politics so that today the Hispanic community can have a better representation in our government.

The Dominicans do not feel offended by the Puerto Rican brothers, just the opposite. With these unfortunate allegations against the Latino community in general, Rev. Rodriguez and his tiny group of followers, the ties, brotherhood and solidarity between the two communities will be strengthened.
Both Dominicans and Puerto Ricans are convinced that these attempts denigrate and tarnish the image of our community. These strategies intend to create confrontation between two sister communities with so many common bonds.
These diabolical machinations try to create friction and disagreement between members of two ethnic groups with a common cause and long history of struggle for a better and fairer representation in government decisions in this city are not pure coincidence.

This is a master and no less grim plan, carefully prepared by notorious characters of the last administration, including, but not limited to former Mayor Michael Sullivan who is using his old influence in the neighboring towns’ press to manipulate the truth publicizing only the negative news to hurt the image of our city.
We the people of the Great City of Lawrence are convinced that this political plan to bring down our elected officials that were chosen by the will of the voters of this city in the last elections is being developed carefully to return to power, and that Rev. Rodriguez and his group are only the visible faces of this conspiracy.
These failed attempts to undermine the image of our city and divide the Hispanic vote to win elections is not new among us. It comes to life every two years, every time we face elections but there is only one difference, although a big one, that now we are a totally different community.
 Edwin Rodriguez disturb election 2013 Lawrence City Hall

Hispanics are an overwhelming majority, not only in the number of inhabitants, but in the total of registered voters able and willing to participate in the process and both, the Dominican and Puerto Rican communities are more united than ever.

Mayor William Lantigua, the first Latino elected freely and democratically to govern with dignity the highest office in the city and honorable councilors who form the legislative body did not achieve that distinction with violence and by the force of the weapon, as stated by Rev. Rodriguez in his remarks.
These elected officials representing us with pride today, were chosen democratically by the sovereign power of the vote of our people.

The government we enjoy today in the City of Lawrence at the cost of many tears, great fights and sleepless nights, not just to Puerto Rican and Dominican citizens, but to all working men and women of this great city and we will not allow anyone to deviate us from the path of progress that together we have decided to choose.

We will continue united for the benefit of future generations.
Using slur and derogatory terms, Rev. Rodriguez referred to Dominicans as crooks, gangsters, ruffians and dangerous criminals that should not deserve to be governing the City of Lawrence or any other city in the United

Monday, September 16, 2013

Marcos Dever paid 55 thousands Lawrence city money to his political ally Tommy Duggan

Marcos Devers political misconduct awarded his crony and political ally Tommy Duggan with 55 thousand dollar, just one day before leave Interin Mayor office in 2001.

Duggan was medically disqualified to Lawrence police. He has been obsessed to be police after his dad was slaying by Hispanic guy in confuse and strange circumstances.

Devers action to settle Duggan lawsuit against City of Lawrence was seen as retribution for his political support. The suspicious action of the first Latino Interim Mayor drew criticism and gossips.

With this money Duggan build his political machine to attack the Latino community Valley Patriot newspaper.

Presently, Tommy Duggan who has been making big business suing the city of Lawrence, has another lawsuit pending in court, also, waiting for Marcos Devers being the new mayor of Lawrence.

This is a Good new type of business between Marcos Devers and his political ally Tommy Duggan with money of the city taxpayers.

Marcos Dever pagó 55 mil dólares en favores politco a su alliado Tommy Duggan

Marcos Devers  adjudicó su compinche y aliado político Tommy Duggan con 55.000 dólares, apenas un día antes de abandonar el cargo de alcalde interino Nov. 2001.

Duggan habia sido médicamente inhabilitado para serpoli9cia de la ciudad Lawrence. Él ha estado obsesionado con ser policía después de que su padre fuera asesinado por un  hispano en confusa y extrañas circunstancias.

La jugada politica de alcalde interino saliente, Marcos Devers por "resolver" la demanda de su canchachan politico Tommy Duggan contra la ciudad de Lawrence fue visto como una retribución por su apoyo político como su estratega de campana. Esta acción sospechosa del primer alcalde interino Latino generó críticas y chismes.

Con el ostentoso regalo , dinero de los contribuyentes, Tommy Duggan fundo su maquinaria política para atacar a la comunidad latina, el periodico Valley Patriot.

Actualmente, Tommy Duggan que esta haciendo un gran negocio demandando a la ciudad de Lawrence por segunda vez. Este individuo tiene otra demanda pendiente en los tribunales, a la espera de Marcos Devers ser el nuevo alcalde de Lawrence para que lo corone con otros 50 mil dolares.

Este es un buen nuevo tipo de negocio entre Marcos Devers y su aliado político Tommy Duggan con el dinero de los contribuyentes.

Saturday, July 13, 2013


LAWRENCE — Police Chief John Romero announced he will leave his position as Lawrence Chief Police in Sept. 3.

After 15 years in charge of LPD “I felt it was time for me to go” .
Rumors run in the city suggeste he will leave, because there will be no chance to get rehired in his position with a City Council unhappy with his job. Also, people says that Romero is afraid of the boomerang of Meli Bonilla's trial where he will be called to testify.

According report that this morning He told Mayor William Lantigua about his decision.

Soon Lantigua will announce a succession plan to fill the chief's position in coming days.

Romero expects to move to California, maybe florida.

Investigating Lantigua administration's problem we, also, has found that the main head orchestrating all this is Lawrence Chief Police John Romero who is working behind scene. Romero has used the police force to oust Lantigua. He has been playing key rol in all accusations of this "supposed" federal investigation.

Romero blind his eyes allowing purposely the crime increase in the city to use his empire to plot against the administration, as soon Sargent Melix Bonilla was promoted as Chief Deputy of Lawrence Police.

Two city departments were used to orchestrated this campaign to overthrow Lantigua administration the Lawrence School Department and Lawrence Police. They conspired and destroyed Mr. Laboy to put Fergunson as school principal. As the state takeover the troubled Lawrence School Department ,which lost its accreditation under Fergunson interin term, all bad propaganda ended and Eagle tribune silenced.

Being a Lantigua supporter according Eagle-Tribune is a sin. Latino people do not have constitution right to believe or freedom of political association.

Lawrence police lead by Romero , State Police and FBI have being targeting all person they believe is Lantigua's supporters. They are trying to stop another Lantigua reelection. That’s the main purpose of all this allegations and false accusations.

Due the city budget cuts the city layoff some police officers. Romero in protest let the criminality surge in the city to force Mayor to re-hire back officers.

Lawrence Chief of Police and the Eagle-Tribune are responsible of all crime and death that happen in the city by propagating that Lawrence had not police to patrol the city.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Aaron Hernandez arrested for killing

Boston.- New England Patriots tight end Aaron Hernandez was taken from his home in handcuffs Wednesday morning, more than a week after a Boston semi-pro football player was found dead in an industrial park a mile from the player's house.

Odin Lloyd, a 27-year-old semi-pro football player for the Boston Bandits, was found slain June 17. Officials ruled the death a homicide but did not say how Lloyd died.

Lloyd's relatives said he was dating the sister of Hernandez's fiancee, that the two men were friends and that both men were out together on the last night of Lloyd's life.

It's unclear why Hernandez was being taken into custody Wednesday around 9 a.m. and put into the back of a police cruiser. He was wearing a white V-neck T-shirt, with his arms inside the shirt and behind his back. He casually spit into some bushes on his way to the car.

Lloyd's mother, Ursula Ward, declined to comment at her Boston home Wednesday morning.

"Nothing to say, please. Thank you," she said, before shutting the door.
State police have searched in and around Hernandez's home in North Attleborough several times. At least three search warrants have been issued in connection with the investigation.

Reporters have been camped out for days at Hernandez's sprawling home on the Rhode Island line, not far from the stadium where the Patriots play. They reported Tuesday that Hernandez got a visit from Boston defense attorney James Sultan.

The Patriots drafted Hernandez, who is originally from Bristol, Conn., out of the University of Florida in 2010. Last summer, the team gave him a five-year contract worth $40 million.

Patriots spokesman Stacey James has said the team did not anticipate commenting publicly during the police investigation.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Time to change vote for GABRIEL GOMEZ, Latino!

Today is an important day to make a big change in the special election to elect new face, a Latino face  of Gabriel Gomez.

Ed Markey who has been in congress for 30 years doing nothing. is offering nothing to our community. Its time to change. Democrats relying in our support for decades.  In the Last four years in power they has been lazy and careless treating Latino  matters.

The Latino community has the power to decide who command this nation. Today is day for reshaping  congress by having one of us in seat of the senate, no matter,  he do not belong to the democratic party.

Gabriel Gomez a Colombian descendant, must win this election for the senate.

Vote for Gabriel Gomez. El Tribune of Lawrence endorse Gabriel Gomez

Es hora de cambiar voto por GABRIEL Gómez, Latino!

Hoy es un día importante para hacer un gran cambio en esta elección especial para elegir nueva cara, una cara latina de Gabriel Gómez.

Ed Markey que lleva 30 años sin hacer nada en el Congreso. Ademas este no ofrece nada a nuestra comunidad. Es hora de cambiar. Demócratas han confíado en nuestro apoyo durante décadas. En los últimos cuatro años, apesar de ser mayoria en el congreso no han sido capaz de pasar una reforma migratoria, o ningun otro proyecto que beneficie a la comunidad Latina. En lo general  ha sido perezosos y descuidados tratando asuntos de Latino.

La comunidad Latina tiene el poder de decidir quién mando de esta nación. Hoy es día para traer nuevas caras al Congreso por tener uno de nosotros en la sede del Senado, no importa, no pertenezca al partido demócrata.

Gabriel Gomez descendiente colombiano debe ganar estas elecciones para el Senado. El Tribune de Lawrence respaldar Gabriel Gomez

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Lawrence former Mayor Michell Sullivan employee, Bryan Cahoon IT director charged for Fraud, Stealing federal funds.

In hands of Justice Lawrence IT consultant for Fraud, Stealing federal funds.

Fall in hands of the justice one of employees and director of corrupt administration of former Lawrence Mayor Michael Sullivan. Information Technology Department's director, Bryan Cahoon was charged for conspiring to steal thousands of dollars in federal grants.

The U.S. Attorney's Office has charged Cahoon, 53, of Dover, N.H., with a felony count of theft and fraud concerning programs receiving federal funds.

Cahoon, the city's IT Department as an employee and later a consultant, obtained more than $10,000 fraudulently during a period from early 2008 until late 2009. During that period, Cahoon "subverted" state bidding laws and caused at least eight contracts with the city totaling $193,460 "to be awarded to his friends and associates."

Records noted his "scheme to steal" targeted federal programs involving hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Cahoon a Sullivan allied, resigned abruptly from his consulting job with the city within weeks of Mayor William Lantigua's inauguration on Jan. 4, 2010

Moreover, there are many concern regarding Former mayor Michael Sullivan giveaway city properties to his political allies too. Record showed that Towerhill Association founder James Ross and community activist Isabel Melendez. Sullivan received, respectively, all Community Access Channel and a School building in South Lawrence and many others properties.

At Inauguration Ceremony William Lantigua in his speech make public a city mess “...promised to dig into the city's problems, looking into everything from a $17.5 million budget deficit" left by the previous administration of Michael Sullivan.

Saturday, June 22, 2013


Marcos Dever political program "LAWRENCE HACIA UN MEJOR FUTURE" ( Lawrence for a better future) conducted by Cesar Estrella and Dionis Alcantara asked the city to repair  the street  his candidate Marcos Devers. The program's producers stated the state representative to be treat with preference, even they said he can used his authority as state representative to order that his Woodland St be repaired right away.
Devers supporters repeated over an over that Lawrence is must the corrupt city most corrupt, trying to say  the city is corrupt because of Willam Lantigua administration.

They forgot that Marcos Devers was a acting Mayor of that corrupt city, Lawrence. At that time the only measure taken by Mayor according media source was give Tommy Duggan,  his political campaign mastermind,   $ 50 thousand dollars by setting up a lawsuit against the city.

Duggan found his newspaper Valley Patriot with Dever's gift.This newspapers of political propaganda is the source of gossips, news manipulation to discredit Lawrence city.  He suit the city because Lawrence Police Department do not hire him as police officer.

 Actually Duggan is suing the city once against.

Tommy Duggan who expected Marcos Devers win  if Lantigua fail in the trap of  the investigation and accusation against him. Then, Devers will do the same again will award  him with another $ 50, 000 o more out his lawsuit against the city for 1 milliones dollars.

"Lawrence hacia un mejor futuro" program  is broadcast every Saturday on La Mega, Hispanic Radio Station of Gois Broadcasting, the competition of Eagle Tribune radios and Pat Costa, Power 800, Impacto 1400 and 1110 am.


Programa político de Marcos Dever "LAWRENCE HACIA UN MEJOR futuro" (Lawrence para un futuro mejor) realizado por Cesar Estrella y Dionis Alcantara pidió a la ciudad para reparar la calle su candidato Marcos Devers. Los productores del programa declarón que el representante de estado debe ser tratado con preferencia, incluso dijeron que el puede utilizar su autoridad como representante del estado para pedir que su Woodland St sea reparada inmediatamente.

Los partidarios Dever repitente una y otra vez que Lawrence es una ciudad corrupta, tratando que la ciudad es corrupta por que Lantigua es alcalde.

Se olvidaron de que Marcos Devers fue tambien alcalde interino de esa ciudad corrupta. En aquel momento la única medida adoptada por el alcalde según fuentes y archivos peridisticos que lo atestiguan fue dar Tommy Duggan, su artifice de campaña política, 50 mil dólares por establecer una demanda contra la ciudad.

Duggan fundo su periódicoValley Patriot conel regalo que le hizo Dever con el dinero de los contribuyentes. El periodico Tommy Duggan, periodico de propaganda política, fuente de chismes, manipulación de noticias para desacreditar la ciudad de Lawrence.  

Duggan habia demandado a la ciudad porque el Departamento de policía de Lawrence tomo la decision de no contratarlo como oficial de policía.

Nuevamente Duggan, quien se a dedicado a hacer "casos" está demandando a la ciudad, porque supuestamente no le han entregado informacion que el pidio a la ciudad.

Tommy Duggan tiene su esperanza de que Marcos Devers gane si Lantigua cae en la trampa de la investigación y acusación contra él. Entonces, Devers hará lo mismo otra vez se le premiara con otros $ 50, 000 o más su demanda contra la ciudad por 1 million de dólares.
LAWRENCE HACIA UN MEJOR futuro es transmite cada sábado por La Mega, estación de Gois Broadcasting, la competencia de las emisoras del Eagle Tribune y Pat Costa, Power 800, 1400 de Impacto y 1110 am.

Friday, June 21, 2013


Eagle Tribune building in North Andover courtesy of Valley Patriot
Eagle Tribune has been behind a fierce and bitter campaign of propaganda to overthrew the Latino first government in the immigrant city, Lawrence along with Chief Police John Romero, after the Latino's administration cut advertisements expenses with them. This media has been use as gun machine to destroy all Latino community and its leadership.

Balancing the budget was one the biggest success of Lantigua’s administrations and also hiring more Latino in the administration. For decade Latinos were excluded for being part of the administration. Previous administration discriminate Latinos from getting employment in the city governments.

This newspaper has orchestrated vast campaign to discredit Lawrence City and its official authorities pretending confuse, misinform people around Merrimack Valley distorting, twisting issues and evidences. Chief Romero has kept alive the dying newspaper as its best sources of news and gossips.

Valley Patriot has criticized Romero alliance with Eagle-Tribune for discriminating others media, specially Latinos, by blocking them to get first hand news that happen in the city of Lawrence.

Eagle-Tribune has accused the city administration of William Lantigua of being involve in corruption, also “trafficking weapons and narcotics” and so more.

In June 2011 they started a supposed investigation against Lantigua for the following charges:

The grand jury is just one arm of a multi-jurisdictional investigation looking at allegations of narcotics, weapons, bid rigging, suspicious out-of-country travel and more, sources confirmed previously. Part of the investigation focuses on city-owned and other vehicles, including a trash truck, being shipped to Lantigua's native Dominican Republic, sources confirmed.” reported Eagle-tribune.

Auditors said they found no fraud or mismanagement in the $235 million city and school budget over the last fiscal year, but warned of the potential for both problems to occur. said Tribune in a news regarding a audit done to see if there was mismanagement or corruptions in Lantigua Administration” on May 12, 2012 but the title of the new was the following: “Audit: Poor handling of money may hurt Lawrence.” The audit was done by Dick Sullivan, a partner in Powers & Sullivan of Wakefield .They simply do not care about the positive things about Lawrence.

A second parking attendant, Felix Matos, is accused in a state police affidavit of receiving stolen parking receipts from Garcia. He has not been charged and denies wrongdoing.
What the “stolen parking receipts” mean. What going on in here.

Days later they said it was not stolen receipts it was money that Matos received from Justo Garcia.

Eagle Tribune also has been pressure authorities and city councilors to fire employees, even knowing those employees has been not charges of anything wrong, because they are believed being Lantigua supporters.
Also asked Matos if he is Lantigua supporter. Like he has not right to be participate or be affiliated to any candidates, abusing his liberty of political association pray in the constitution.
This diabolic newspapers with intention to destroy Lantigua they are engaged to discredit all one they supposed is Lantigua's allied.

Eagle tribune, Boston Globe, Valley Patriot has used purposely their media to target Lawrence City and its people. It Contents is full of hatred against Latinos and the first Latino Administration run by William Lantigua. They as imaged Lawrence “City of Shame”.

The city of Lawrence have became in their first source of news for Eagle Tribune. All city around Methuen, Andover, North Andover, Haverhill, Lowell has more problem than Lawrence with more rate of crime and corruptions, but they ignored those problem, because those community are not populated by Latino.

Those media are afraid of Latino power ruling the city.
Al Getler former editor of Eagle Tribune
Valley Patriot, a newspaper of bogus political propaganda without ethical principles referring to day of Lantigua's swearing as Mayor say that Lantigua will hold to much power, 'too much power' for just one man. it suggested that Lantigua must be controlled by the state and then, start a campaign to get state overseer on the Latino's administrations.

“Starting first thing this morning, Lantigua promised to dig into the city's problems, looking into everything from a $17.5 million budget deficit to record home foreclosures and unemployment rates, School Department issues, crime, and streets and sidewalks that are "literally a mess." reported Eagle Tribune at Lantigua inauguration ceremony.

The racist media of Eagle Tribune targeted Lantigua for bring changes and stabilize the city budget and hiring Latinos more into his administration. Latino have been a minority in the administration. This Media for political purpose try to undermine Latinos, it opposed the city employ more Latinos.

Former mayor Michael Sullivan giveaway city properties to his political allies, but Tribune never accused him of corruption. TheTowerhill Association founder James Ross and community activist Isabel Melendez. Sullivan received, respectively, all Community Access Channel and a School building in South Lawrence and many others properties.

A group of local Anglo media, run by Irish and Italian, has been plotting against Latinos for decade. Eagle Tribune has published all kind of defamation, hatred in its pages year by years. it Never rest, even the economical crisis that is been affecting this written media.

Recently it fired his editor, Al Getler, who sponsored this type of deceptive practice against Latino community to get rating and keep this dying media alive.

In 2011-12 Eagle Tribune started a conspiracy to oust Mayor Lantigua from the office using a Recall, the two attempts were a failure. The Tribune praised and promoted as heroes all the delinquents behind those plan. Anthonio Arevalo, who later was found provoking and faking a beaten and charged of vandalizing Mayor Lantigua car for more that 5 thousand dollars, putting rocks, lottery tickets and other stuffs in the tank of the mayor car.

The second guy, Josue Hernandez was discovered to be in his young age, a gangs member with long history of crime and hijacking. Among them, was, also, the Puerto Rican reverend with doubted reputation Edwin Rodriguez, full hatred against Dominican and responsible of robo-signing, falsifying voters signature to recall the mayor.

Moreover, we found the troubled Grisel Silva who was reported for rushing to hospital for suspected drug overdose” and arrested for assaulting her husband and girlfriend.

All defeated Addoo's supporters in the race for mayor were used in this conspiracy along with politicians from others nearby towns with “interest” in Lawrence. They have been afraid Latinos discover decades of fraud by previous administrations and how politician from out town are stealing Lawrence money.

Investigating Lantigua administration's problem we, also, has found that main head orchestrating all this is Lawrence Chief Police John Romero who is working behind scene. Romero has used the police force to oust Lantigua. He has been playing key rol in all accusations of this "supposed" federal investigation.

Romero blind his eyes allowing purposely the crime increase in the city to use his empire to plot against the administration, as soon Sargent Melix Bonilla was promoted as Chief Deputy of Lawrence Police.

Two city departments were used to orchestrated this campaign to overthrow Lantigua administration the Lawrence School Department and Lawrence Police. They conspired and destroyed Mr. Laboy to put Fergunson as school principal. As the state takeover the troubled Lawrence School Department ,which lost its accreditation under Fergunson interin term, all bad propaganda ended and Eagle tribune silenced.

Being a Lantigua supporter according Eagle-Tribune is a sin. Latino people do not have constitution right to believe or freedom of political association.

Lawrence police lead by Romero , State Police and FBI have being targeting all person they believe is Lantigua's supporters. They are trying to stop another Lantigua reelection. That’s the main purpose of all this allegations and false accusations.

Due the city budget cuts the city layoff some police officers. Romero in protest let the criminality surge in the city to force Mayor to re-hire back officers.

Lawrence Chief of Police and the Eagle-Tribune are responsible of all crime and death that happen in the city by propagating that Lawrence had not police to patrol the city.

Almost all crime that happened in that period of time of confrontation between Romero and Mayor come from outsider delinquents, who came here, because there was not order in the city. That was the message sent out by Romero and the Tribune.

Chief Romero who a witch hunter soon or later will pay for his marrullas, crime and abuse. Lawrence Police Department has been a protected Castle in which many thing happens. Romero and Tribune must be accused and charged for those crime. Also, compensate all victims of delinquency from 2010 -2012.

Rumors said Romero is planning to resign and fee before the bomb explored in his hands.

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Statements of income in all parking garages of CITY OF LAWRENCE

Here all record of the garages income from 2011to June 31, 2013 according the Audit run by State overseer, Robert Nunez:

Tuesday, June 18, 2013



Candidates for Mayor show their political force in the Hispanic Week's parade

Lantigua's supporters at Hispanic Week's parade
Marcos Devers group of supporters

Candidates for Mayoral race in Lawrence show their political force  Sunday morning at Hispanic Week's parade. It became a political meeting.

Marcos Devers and incumbent Mayor Lantigua called their supporter to rally in the parade.

Lantigua supporters met at the Central Catholic parking lot and walk chanting support for their leader. Around a 800 people showed up to participate in this rally.

While Marcos Devers and his supporters  gathered around 100 people.

Seem to be that  Hispanic Week is in decadency. No many people gathered at Common park for the festival.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Gabriel Gomez candidate for the senate seat was in Lawrence

Gabriel Gomez, US Senate candidate and Carmen Chalas of Open Mic
Lawrence.- Gabriel Gomez was in Lawrence getting in contact with Latinos people at Hispanic Week shaking hands, greeting people and making friendship. Gabriel Gomez is a important key player in this special election to fill the Senate seat left vacant by John Kerry.
Democratic leaders are very worry Gabriel look to strong that can beat easily E. Markey
This week President Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren and other important has came to Massachusetts to boost E. Markey campaing.
Pointing out contrasts between Democratic U.S. Senate hopeful Edward Markey and his opponent, Republican Gabriel Gomez, former President Bill Clinton called on Markey supporters Saturday to vote in the coming special election — and to avoid a repeat of the surprise election result that sent Republican Scott Brown to the Senate in 2010.
Clinton spoke at a rally at Worcester Polytechnic Institute was joined by Markey and other Massachusetts Democrats, including U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Friday, June 14, 2013